The Church House range of Funds

We offer a series of seven funds all with varying objectives making them ideal portfolio holdings or individual investments.

When Church House was first started in 1999, we used the funds as building blocks for our own private client portfolios but we have now made them available to all investment professionals. The range includes our award winning Investment Grade Fixed Interest Fund and newly launched Human Capital Fund.


Our Funds

Tenax Absolute Return Strategies Fund

Providing a straightforward approach to Absolute Return investing

Investment Grade Fixed Interest Fund

Offering a credit investment strategy focused on quality

Esk Global Equity Fund

Maximising global opportunities for growth investors

UK Equity Growth Fund

Seeking value to drive returns in line with expectations

UK Smaller Companies Fund

Seeking capital growth from investment into UK smaller companies

Balanced Equity Income Fund

Aiming to grow capital and deliver a rising income

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The Fund Managers

Our funds are operated by a team of experts

The majority of our managers have been presiding over their funds for many years, in some cases 20 years. Their efforts are complimented by analysts and oversight is provided in the form of an Investment Commitee.

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Platform coverage

Below is a table which highlights which funds are accessible on various platforms. 

If you would like to acquire our funds via a platform we do not currently support, please use the contact details at the bottom of this page.

UK Stewardship Code 

Church House is pleased to announce that we have continued to meet the standard of reporting required by the UK Stewardship Code for a second year.

We remain included in the Financial Reporting Council’s list of successful signatories to the Code, which establishes a high standard of stewardship for asset managers, asset owners and service providers when investing money on behalf of UK savers and pensioners.

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Our awards

The investment media and independent researchers operate award programmes and produce independent ratings to help investment professionals in their fund due diligence research.

The Church House Tenax Absolute Return Strategies Fund, UK Equity Growth Fund and Investment Grade Fixed Interest Fund have been recognised in a number of ways. 

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Contact us

To discuss your requirements, or to find out more about our funds and services, please contact us:

Sam Liddle Sales Director

Intermediary Sales

  • 07887 520621

Matthew Goodsir Business Development Manager

Intermediary Sales

  • 020 7534 9877