
Tenax was launched in 2007, when a private client of Church House Investments sold his business and needed a safe place for £10 million. Having taken risk throughout his working life to accumulate his wealth, his objective was the long-term preservation of his capital with avoidance of the worst excesses of financial market volatility.

The bedrock of the Tenax Absolute Return Strategies Fund Investment Process is a sound methodology, based on the company’s long-standing investment philosophy of risk management being the key to performance. The methodology combines a multi-asset framework derived from historically successful precedents, with robust risk controls.

Idea generation is derived from tactical asset allocation, in turn leading to bottom-up, valuation-driven portfolio construction. It is a process that combines intuitive fund management skills with long-held, proven investment principles, and at its core is a constant awareness of the aims, objectives and risk tolerances of the Fund’s investors.

Why invest in this Fund?

Although long-term preservation of capital may not be an attribute sought by portfolio managers blending different investment styles, they do value the Fund’s low volatility of returns as a contribution to reducing portfolio drawdowns and lowering volatility in their model portfolios.

The Fund is widely used as an investment for SIPPs in drawdown, either as a stand-alone solution or as part of a drawdown portfolio. The very low volatility (low sequence of returns risk) coupled with an annualised return since launch of approximately 5% make the Fund particularly suitable for this.

The Fund is an attractive alternative to cash and bonds during a prolonged period of low interest rates.

Investment philosophy

◆    Diversification across multiple, liquid asset classes.
◆    Strict risk controls with limits on allocations to asset classes, sectors and individual holdings.
◆    No upper limit on the allocation to money-market instruments and cash.
◆    Cash is the benchmark – don’t be afraid of it!

Below: Tenax vs FTSE 100 and Bank of England Sonia since 2007

Independent validation

Tenax is an award-winning fund which holds a wide range of respected ratings

A wide variety of independent research businesses have rated the Tenax Absolute Return Strategies and it has also achieved several industry awards

How to invest


Financial Advisers, wealth managers and other professionals will find our funds listed on a wide range of retail platforms and they also appear on the main fund trading exchanges. A full list of the platforms we support is available using the link below.

Direct Investors

We also have arrangements in place for individuals who want to invest directly without either our wealth planning or portfolio management services. For more information including full instructions, please use the link below.

Platforms and direct investing

Contact us

To discuss your requirements, or to find out more about our funds and services, please contact us:

Sam Liddle Sales Director

Intermediary Sales

  • 07887 520621

Matthew Goodsir Business Development Manager

Intermediary Sales

  • 020 7534 9877