
CHIG was launched in 2000 to provide investors with real risk diversification from equities and other risk assets whilst generating a good yield by investing only in investment grade corporate bonds.

Why invest in this Fund?

Although CHIG sits in the IA Sterling Corporate Bond sector, its true position is in the middle of that sector, the Strategic Bond sector and the Targeted Absolute Return sector,  providing investors with a very low level of volatility and downside risk throughout an investment cycle.
Within the risk controls, the Fund is traded actively to eke  out excess returns, rather than holding credits to maturity.
Buy/sell discipline is largely relative value trades of individual credit spreads over gilts, buying when spreads widen,  
and selling when they tighten.

Below: CHIG vs the IA Sterling Corporate Bond Sector, 20 years

Investment philosophy

CHIG operates under strict risk controls the aim of which is to provide a Fund with low volatility, a fair yield and an emphasis on absolute returns, not relative.
◆    100% investment grade debt only
◆    Minimum 30% AAA credit exposure
◆    Maximum holding size, £5m
◆    Maximum counter party exposure, 4%
◆    Maximum subordinated debt, 30%
◆    Maximum gilts, 20%
◆    Maximum unrated debt, 15% (must read across to investment grade)
◆    Typical duration range 3-10 years

Below: CHIG vs the IA Sterling Corporate Bond Sector, 20 years 

CHIG is represented by the dark blue square, the sector average is represented by the red triangle.

How to invest


Financial Advisers, wealth managers and other professionals will find our funds listed on a wide range of retail platforms and they also appear on the main fund trading exchanges. A full list of the platforms we support is available using the link below.

Direct Investors

We also have arrangements in place for individuals who want to invest directly without either our wealth planning or portfolio management services. For more information including full instructions, please use the link below.

Platforms and direct investing

Contact us

To discuss your requirements, or to find out more about our funds and services, please contact us:

Sam Liddle Sales Director

Intermediary Sales

  • 07887 520621

Matthew Goodsir Business Development Manager

Intermediary Sales

  • 020 7534 9877