Church House launches specialist wealth planning and investment scheme for Yacht Crew
When you are travelling the world and working long-hours it is understandable that making sure your savings are working hard for you is perhaps not front of mind. At a time of low returns on savings, which are further diminished by inflation, it is important that Yacht Crew do not overlook the alternatives to holding cash on deposit.
As experienced fund and portfolio managers, Church House have developed a scheme to help Yacht Crew optimise their wealth in order that they may have a better chance of achieving their objectives when returning to a role onshore. It combines a planning exercise to help demonstrate the value of investing and the provision of a modern portfolio management service.
Investors have the choice of a range of portfolios, which have been designed to support varying investment objectives and different tolerances for risk. The building blocks of these portfolios are the range of Church House funds and this strategy allows us to better control risk, reduce cost and provide complete transparency over where our clients’ monies are invested. In addition new investors can take comfort from the fact Church House has a track record of managing client investments for over 20 years.
This cost effective solution is being managed by Emma Parkes, who has extensive knowledge of the sector and, as such, an appreciation of the needs of Yacht Crew. Emma explains: "Yacht Crew work extremely hard, typically for a limited number of years, and it is therefore really important that they maximise the benefits of earning tax free cash while they can. There is a nervousness in the industry around investing due to a lack of knowledge and a lack of transparency around the fees involved. I am passionate about helping crew, both past and present, make informed decisions about their wealth and giving them straightforward, cost effective access to professional investment management".
If you are interested in this service, please contact Emma at: or on 020 7123 4741.
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