Church House held a unique event for women keen to learn more about investing.
On Thursday 9th June we held our long-awaited event; “Wealth is Precious – The Art of Investment”. We had a super turnout and to all those who spared the time to join us – thank you. To those who were unable to come, we do hope to welcome you at future events.
Guests were fortunate to enjoy Philip Mould’s wonderful Masterpiece London Art Fair preview including a very special portrait, about which we must not write! (the painting has a strict press embargo until the Fair). Philip’s insight into the world of portraiture was fascinating and his enthusiasm and knowledge were infectious.
Heather McGregor stole the show with her talk – “Risk is a 4 Letter Word”. Heather amused, inspired, and educated us all in matters of New York City haircuts, Hermès scarves, and learning to fly aged 47. She also gave us her acronym for RISK as follows:
R - Right decision. Make the right decision for you. This may not always be the popular decision but stick to your guns. Know your boundaries.
I - Invest. This does not just refer to stocks and shares but also, importantly, is a reminder that we should invest in ourselves. Heather has just qualified as a Management Accountant in her ‘60s.
S - Specify your goals. In doing this, you know what you are aiming for. Measure the things you value, do not just value the things that you measure.
K - Knowledge. Knowledge is power. If you don’t have the right knowledge, ask a professional; surround yourself with people who can help.
Emma Parkes, of our Client Relations Team, had the unenviable task of following Heather to talk about “Investing for Legacy”. She was able to share a series of important opportunities for investors whatever their level of experience. From recognising the value of compound interest and the resulting benefits of investing early to leveraging the taxation advantages of Self Invested Pensions for kickstarting retirement savings for children and grandchildren.
Download 'Investing for Legacy' report
It was also great to hear that recent research has confirmed an increasing interest amongst women in investing. But Emma pointed out that in her experience many still hold back from getting involved often due to concerns over short-term losses. She then took the opportunity to share a strategy designed to address such worries, which involves phasing money into markets over a period of time rather than in one lump sum.
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