Thoughts are now turning to the finish in the latest team update.
It is now day 27 at sea and The Friendship are coming 3rd in the Men’s Class! Those who have been tracking them will know it has been an exciting week. They were holding a strong position in 4th but steadily gaining on BOKA NEDurance, who they overtook during the day on Saturday. After four weeks of solid rowing, their determination and stamina has evidently not waned, and they have now covered a staggering 2,323 NM.
As they’re getting ever closer to the finish the weather is getting ‘hot, hot, hot’. This week the waves have been building again leading to the toughest of nights yet on Friday. The big swells and the sauna-like cabins have made for a very soggy few days and nights. They get soaked by the big waves whilst on the oars which creates the near-impossible task of keeping the cabins dry, not helped by water spilling through the air vents and soaking them whilst they are sleeping! Despite this, spirits were lifted on Saturday morning when the team realised how quickly they were closing in on 3rd place.
The past few days have brought other excitements, including a new top speed of 14.5 knots, reached whilst surfing down one of the bigger waves. Also, Arthur is convinced that he saw a killer whale, although his brothers are currently disputing this fact!
As the Talisker Whisky fleet continues to move closer to the finish line, the ETAs for the teams have been provided by Atlantic Campaigns. All going well, it has been predicted that the team will arrive in Antigua on Friday 13th January, only 32 days after they set off from the Canaries. The closer they get, the more the boys are dreaming of certain luxuries. At the top of the list are a shower, a dry bed, and a loo with four walls!
When they do reach Antigua, as with the start of the race, you will be able to watch the live stream of the finish on Facebook and YouTube. We will post the link closer to the time across all social media.
Online donations have risen again, and the total has now reached a phenomenal £83,200. The boys are ever grateful for your love and support!
Lots of love,
Jack, Hamish, Arthur, and Euan
Feature image credit: Atlantic Campaigns Penny Bird
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