Darius McDermott, Managing Director of Fund Calibre selects Tenax from Church House
Writing for Professional Adviser, Darius, Managing Director of independent fund research business, FundCalibre, addresses the challenge of selecting funds in the IA Targeted Absolute Return Sector.
"The truth is, comparing these funds with one another is almost a complete waste of time - they have completely different focuses in terms of benchmarks, targets and, perhaps most importantly, management style." As a consequence, he says that investors and advisers have to focus on the individual merits of each fund and look for those whose performance most closely reflects the true aim of these funds.
The Tenax Absolute Return Strategies Fund is singled out by Darius as being a fund that has delivered on the true definition of targeted absolute return funds over the short and longer term. "It is one of the few funds in the sector that targets an absolute return from diversification and risk management alone."
The fund has a 5-Crown Rating from Financial Express and joint manager, Jeremy Wharton, has been recognised by FE Trustnet as an Alpha Manager for four years in succession. Tenax also received a rating from RSMR, who have produced a detailed fund profile for advisers and wealth managers.
James Mahon, joint manager, confirms "Our approach has always been straightforward, we have some simple rules for absolute return investing: a clear objective, to be delivered over a specified period time combined with strategies to minimise volatility and avoid losses and, above all, patience. The origins of the fund were in a private client portfolio in 2007, the fact that after all this time he remains an investor is evidence of long-term delivery against the objective."
Click here to view the article in Professional Adviser.
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