Wide platform coverage
To make it easy for you to trade in our funds we have made them available on a broad range of retail and institutional platforms. In addition, they are also listed on the key fund exchanges.
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With assets under management in excess of £1 billion, Church House Investment Management is a fund and portfolio manager offering specialist services to individuals, financial professionals and institutions for over 20 years.
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Registered in England and Wales No. 03475556 Investors should be aware that past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results and that the price of shares and other investments, and the income derived from them, may fall as well as rise and the amount realised may be less than the original sum invested. Church House Investments Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
Smart investing through a collection of retail investment funds
We offer a series of seven funds all with varying objectives making them ideal portfolio holdings or individual investments.
When Church House was first started in 1999, we used the funds as building blocks for our own private client portfolios but we have now made them available to all investment professionals. The range includes our award winning Investment Grade Fixed Interest Fund and newly launched Human Capital Fund.
To make it easy for you to trade in our funds we have made them available on a broad range of retail and institutional platforms. In addition, they are also listed on the key fund exchanges.
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